Maybe slow internet is meant to take deep breaths.
Maybe the cold/flu is a sign to take care of ourself more intentionally.
Maybe a stubbed toe is an invitation to just stop and let the world carry on without you.
Do you get so caught up in life that it all just feels mundane and hectic at the same time. Things that once meant alot to you kinda ‘’just are’’ now. You allow life to just happen to you, throwing you all around…
You ever feel like that?
I know I sure have.
I scribbled this simple prayer, ‘’Lord interrupt me’’ on a sticky note on my desk this past week. When there is this demand for control raging in the heart, being interrupted can be a trigger. So I know it's good for me to be interrupted, especially from God. This prayer was a weapon to fight the devil. I wanted to stop getting so caught up in my ways. I wanted to stop getting so tangled up in this life and instead get caught up, tangled up, in God's ways . His presence.
The Lord did interrupt me. And I was reminded once again how much power our prayers have!
•I saw Him in a slow printer. It prints as if it has all the time in the world, creeping along, inch by inch. As I stand there, it gives my mind time to stop the spinning circles and refocus. I have a choice of what I want to use this extra time for. Resist it's turtle pace or refocus.
•I saw Him in the cut of a child’s finger. I was hustling and bustling around when suddenly I realized one girl bent over, silent tears slipping down her cheeks, and holding her finger in her mouth. Stopping everything to care for her finger, which took 3 tight bandaids to stop the bleeding, was an interruption from my work to show care.
•I saw Him in red lights. The waiting was an interruption to my zooming around and I needed that reminder to just sit back and chill.
•an egg cracking onto the floor
•an empty water bottle when the body is parched.
•and dirty glasses.
- All interruptions that I can't dodge.
Maybe all lil inconveniences/interruptions are from our loving Father. It's an invitation to refocus on what truly matters. What's really in front of us. What's He trying to teach us...
That goes with the big inconveniences/interruptions also. God’s will, grace, and love is behind all that too.
Can I choose to see all interruptions as an invitation to see Him... to come to Him. to surrender to Him. to be loved by Him. ?
‘’We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. God will be constantly crossing our paths and cancelling our plans by sending us people with claims and petitions.’’ -Dietrich Bonhoeffer