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tuesday thoughts


but God I don't want to write. I feel incapable. The words are unreachable.


so often when I feel incapable of writing 

is when 

the nudge to write is the closest. 

bucking against nudges never breathes benefits.

i will sit. 



i will type. 

im thinking about december

i loved the invader of snow

that blew across this brown land last week.

now it’s starting to feel alot like Christmas. 

the branches, the horizon, the earth-

it's all quite magical looking. 

the horefrost is comment-worthy

in the mornings

the bulging planner 

dares to deny 

much more to be squished in.

gingerbread is my new fav flavouring.

greenery is brought in and tucked amoung house interior.

enough small talk -

here's what's big in my head at the moment...

it cracks me up honeslty...

this month is such a demanding month

and yet its suppose to be the jolliest time of the year.

i think people operate rather comically during this month.

we all carry on 

as if we are carrying life well.


we all show up 

with no show of discomfort on the face.

we all just pretend

we know what we are doing

and where we're going

but really? 

hearts are heavy

especially now

this season is not always merry…

many souls ache the deepest this month.

i want to be sensitive to that. 

i want to be a safe place for brokenness. 

i want to acknowledge chilly challenges.

on sunday the minister talked about

God’s promises. 

they are sturdy. they are true. they are hope. 

then we sang

Standing on the Promises of God.

i needed those words.

i feel deeply weak,

like zilch strength exists in me. 

i need Jesus. 

we all do. 

d e s p e r a t e l y

perhaps in the weakest

He's working the deepest 

vulnerability is actually so rich.

if we welcome it. 

the great Brene Brown said,

''vulnerbility is not weakness. vulnerability is the accurate measurement of courage.''

thats powerful. i needed that reminder.

im enrolled in the junior classes of vulnerabilty school.

if you too want to embrace both the magicalness and the brokenness in this season, im hanging out right there with you.

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