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At the end of last year I prayed for a 2022 word.

I had never hopped onto the ‘’word of the year’’ wagon before and honestly I really was sceptical if I truly would first off even hear a word from God, and second off even be able to carry a word in my heart past the first two weeks into January. I'm sanguine. So I tend to jump onto all sorts of idealistic wagons and within a couple days be bailing off and jumping onto a new one. Instead of my sanguine nature researching and handpicking out the ‘’perfect’’ word, I knew I better let Jesus take the wheel.

A couple days before new years, while I was having my devotions, the word savour dropped into my mind.

I smiled. I liked this word right away.


I didn't write the word on sticking notes all over my apartment or car or phone case. I didn’t think about the word on the daily. I didn’t even journal about it.

I just prayed a couple simple prayers at the beginning of the year that this year would be a year of savouring.

That's it. And I got to watch the magic of those simple prayers flourish over this past year. It literally was all Jesus. He would pop that word randomly into my mind throughout the mundane tasks of life. During walks. During dishes. During shopping. But honestly the most often I thought about it was behind that big ol’ teacher desk - during the moments before the kids all came stampeding into our classroom, the word savour would slip into my thoughts.


So now as the year is being wrapped up, the word savour has especially been surfacing in my thoughts.

Savouring the walks up town with the hound. Savouring mama’s yellow throw around the shoulders. Savouring the priceless nephew cuddles. Savouring the abundance of brother talks. Savouring the quality time with the loved ones. Savouring all the hot cocoa and hot teas. Savouring the youth conversations. Savouring game nights.


I just love that word, that word is straight from the Saviour Himself. I have a special lil sentimental attachment thingy with that word now. Maybe for always now…

And now as the year is wrapping up, I sigh prayer up randomly that God would give me a 2023 word. But secretly I'm hoping its savour again.

If not, I can't wait to see what word He gifts for this next year of life.

Are you a ''word of the year'' type of person? If so, I would love to hear your word/s :)

I hope you can savour this season because of the Saviour

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