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prayer inspiration...

lately I've been inspired by prayer... here is a hodgepodge collection of inspo...

Thanking God for the most random things - that's been my new thing to do...


We thank you for awkward beginnings,

And pray for the hearts that are tangled up in unforgiveness.

We thank you for long chats around supper dishes,

And pray for the hearts that don’t feel heard.

We thank you for slightly burnt carrot muffins,

And pray for the hearts that receive heart burning news tonight.

Thank you for dirty lunch kits

and overflowing garbage cans and overflowing laundry baskets.

Thank you for canadian geese honking

and pens that run out of ink

and messy to-do lists.

Lord sometimes the tradional prayer seems impossible.

not attainable.

not reachable.

Lord we don’t always know how to pray…

what to say…

Words don’t always come…

Or make sense…

Or they get all jumbled up in a heap…

It's like the words are stuck. rudely refusing to budge.

And that all makes me wonder, Jesus -

Prayer doesn't have to be words.

Can prayers be anything… ???

Tear soaked pillows can be prayers.

Silence can be prayers.

Crumbled up pages can be prayers.

Kneeling on the floor, not uttering a word, can be a prayer.

Looking up into the sky can be a prayer.

Open palms can be prayers.

a sigh, a sob, a smile...

maybe our lives can be prayers.

maybe eveything we do can be a prayer....

God, we thank You that You hear our prayers, whether they have words attached to them or not. We thank You that You hear our deepest, quietest, smallest heart cries. We thank You that we can talk to You about the most random range of stuff - everything from leftover mac n cheese to the mammoth size hole in our hearts. We thank YOU for being our Daddy.

Lord we thank you for mud caked runners,

And pray for the bellies that are growling, cramping, aching…

Lord we thank you for honey on the kitchen floor,

And pray for the hearts that are grieving a loved one.

We thank you for toothpaste on bathrobes

And pray for the ones without a safe place to rest tonight.

and most of all thank YOU for this gift of prayer.

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