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Made Up

Once a week, I wash my sheets because my house mama taught me that was a necessity.

There are coffee beans in the pockets of my car doors because my brother does that to keep his truck smelling fresh.

It was my grade six teacher who encouraged me to write. I still think of how seen I felt by her influence on me.

I find myself wiping the table just how my mom does.

My aunt taught me that when you're sick, rubbing thick layers of vicks on your feet and then applying socks, does wonders. She also taught me hydrogen peroxide was the key to clean out any cuts, despite the internet advising otherwise. She is always the trusty person we all flee to when we are sick or wounded.

I know I can always count on dad to teach me all the adult skills involving credit cards, calculations, and cars.

Every time I see a jeep I think of that one friend who spontaneously turned into a sister and who owns a jeep and when we lived together for six months, we went everywhere in that rickety ol, manual, black box. It didn't have AC so the windows had to be rolled down to prevent suffocation in the Arkansas heat. For six months, we never had neatly combed hair.

Even though I naturally do not have a green thumb, I’ve started to collect plants because it reminds me of mom, who has a jungle inside her house.

My sis in-law is blunt and doesn't know how to beat around the bush and every time I'm with her, it inspires me to be more authentic.

A full moon is always special to me because my friends and I used to saddle up the horses and go on moonlight rides when it was full moon.

I build a campfire by laying the twigs/logs in the shape of a # sign because my brother says that's the way to do it.

I always think of my mom when I see a lady slipper flower cuz those are her favourite.

My dad and I used to munch on Almond Special K cereal together. I don't live at home anymore, but I still buy it and crunch on it in memory of those teenage years.

Every time I see a disc golf basket, I think of my brothers.

I talk about joy moments because when I was at Raising Hope Ranch, we often took time sharing a joy moment at the end of the day. It's a special lil traditon in my heart.

I peel an avacado the way one of my student's mom does.

Dandellions remind me of my childhood.

...and the list is endless, really...

I'm made up of all the people I love.

All the lessons they have taught me. All the memories we share. All the mistakes we've made. I see my loved ones in so much of my daily life. It's like a memory I always carry with me, and get to live it out in the present. My people have influenced my life vastly and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm made up of all the people I love.

How have your people influenced you? ❤️

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