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Is God even Good?

"God is good all the time"

We sing this phrase. We say this phrase. And yet I wonder....

Sure, yes, God is good.

But all the time????


It's easy to declare God is good when life is good. When things are lining up, kindness is generously shared, and the sun is shining on your face. Oh for sure, God is good!

But is He still good when life is not good? Is He still just as near when the storm is raging? Is He still good when I'm sitting on the deck, tears streaming down my face, as my heart grieves? Is He still good when He allows the yuckiest plot twists to smack me in my already tired face? Is He still good when I'm sitting in a meeting and hear words that immediately drop a rock hard pit into my stomach? Is He still good when I just simply can't eat or sleep for a week cuz my nerves are so gnarly twisted up?

Really? Is God still good even then?

For me, when life is not good, immediately I am tempted to question God. How can a loving Father allow all this to happen to his beloved child? How can He allow all this absolutely not-good stuff jam into my life? How can He think this is the right thing?

Lately, these thoughts and questions have bounced in my mind.

And here is what came to me...

God never changes. So His goodness doesn't either. But life changes. And yet life doesn't have to stay good for God to stay good. I think we compare God and life together too much, or maybe it's just in an unhealthy way. Just cuz life isn't good doesn't automatically make God not good, even though He is the One that gives us life.

And you know what? The biggest lessons I have learned in life have always been through the seasons that have felt the most far from good.

God allowed this to happen so He WILL make a way! He is gifting me peace through this storm so He is faithful. He is holding me tight so He is good! Despite all the tears and twists and turns, God is still constantly at my side hearing every word in every prayer. Catching Every tear. Seeing every snot soaked kleenex. God is faithful. God is real. God is here. And all those examples plus a zillion more, are all what makes Him so good all the time.

So in conclusion, yes! Even when life is not good, God is still good! Always has been. Always will be. Amen.

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