I wonder.
I wonder what Jesus thought when He watched his siblings fight. I wonder if Him and His disciples shared inside jokes. I wonder if He liked tight hugs.
I wonder if Jesus ever dribbled spaghetti sauce on his beard. I wonder if Jesus had a favorite mug or breakfast or shirt. I wonder what Jesus thought when He witnessed a sunset.
I wonder if Jesus ever laid on the ground and stared into the starry sky or if He ever laid on the floor with His dog. I wonder what He said when He stubbed a toe or broke a sandal strap. I wonder what His hobbies were.
I wonder how Jesus viewed a weed in His mama's garden. I wonder if He burnt His tongue too. I wonder if He ever forgot to apply deodorant.
And I wonder if we don't tend to push Jesus out of our daily life. I wonder if we forget He totally lived daily life on this ol' soil for thirty plus years.
He understands.
I wonder what would happen if we invited Him into our daily life more. If we imagined Him doing these things too. I wonder if everything in life would become so much deeper. Would our mundane mindset change?
I wonder.
Do you too?