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God is not Failing You

God is not failing you.

I know it may feel like it, but dear one, He really is not failing you.

Not now. Not ever.

He will place you in positions you never would have imagined. He will give you people you never would have picked. He will interrupt you in the most unexpected ways. And He will ask for your loaves and fishes.

He will allow you to hear gut wrenching truths. He will call you down from the sycamore tree. He will suddenly remove a dream from your hands and ask you to sit by the well and be still. He will call you out upon the waters. And He will use the strangest of things like clay and spit and donkeys. He will be quiet. And you will be mad and beg Him for answers.

All this time you may be wondering why God is failing you.

But dear one, He isn’t.

He cannot fail.

I know, I know, it all feels so off and weird and hard and everything but right, but even in this foggy whirlwind, He is not failing you.

A simple prayer that a friend taught me to pray has now transformed into my prayer for countless nights, ’'God, can you just hold me? May I just feel you holding me?’’

If you pray it with a sincere heart, You will feel Him.

And nothing compares to knowing you are in God’s arms.

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1 opmerking

16 apr 2022

Jera you are a blessing ❤️

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