beautiful little things in life
unexpected kindness in strangers
friendly hugs
hot tea sweetened with honey
hot showers on a chilly day
climbing into bed, exhausted
reuniting with a loved one
''I love you''
the first flowers in spring
sleeping in, without guilt
handwritten letters
hard core belly laughs
a toddler's giggle
wildflowers in ditches
fresh sheets
evening drives
Sunday afternoon naps
fresh warm muffins
happy tears
campfire conversations
a glass of iced water on a balmy day
purple sunsets
genuine smiles
the moonlight
laying on the floor with your dog
''you are a joy to know''
exploring God's creation
a new sweater
worn out Bibles
a dog's kisses
sunshine filled rooms
Just a list of some beautiful and simple things in life. I challenge you to write down ten beautiful little things in your life. It will boost your mood.
quote: make someone smile every day, but never forget that you are someone too.