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A Sticky Grace

I got the idea from Katie Davis. Apply sticky notes everywhere.

When I heard about the idea, I loved it right away. I’m a lover of simple, practical ways to saturate my daily life with Jesus.

So basically all you do is write prayers, verses, any inspo down on sticky notes and apply them to walls, mirrors, doors, cupboards, fridges… any place where your eyes will spot them daily.

I stuck one on my mirror, the corner of it… I realized I never look in the corner of my mirror though, unless I’m cleaning it. So, I stuck one note right smack in the middle and it's kinda hard to miss now.

So along with this inspo, another chunk of inspo is laying on my heart.

Who God is.

I think it's so easy to make God about us. We make our relationship with Him, about us. And our Bible reading time, about us. We wrap God around our hearts the way we want to look and feel. Then when things go haywire we automatically start to think God does not know what He is doing and surely He must be kind of failing us. Meanwhile, it’s actually our own hearts that are failing, for they are not based on the Truth, but rather on our truth.

I’m realizing I do this a whole lot more than I ever want to openly admit. It's so easy to make Christian life about me. I catch myself crafting my devotions about me, what I can get out of it… How I am feeling…what He is gonna do for me… what I want to pray about...what verses I would like to read - the comforting ones, for sure.

I get so accustomed to this self focused kind of Christian living. And maybe all the times that I am deeply questioning God, are actually the times when I am making myself into some sort of god. In those times, I’m wondering why that blanket of self around me is not warming me the way I thought it would. I’m noticing my truth and The Truth are not aligning and it's making me so frustrated.

But, Christian life is simply not about me. It's about the Father and His Son. And why do I not see that more clearly?

My eyes need a fix. Hebrews 12:2 talks about fixing our eyes on Jesus. That word ‘’fix’’ really sticks out to me. Our eyes literally need fixing. We cannot see Jesus until we allow Him to fix our eyes.

And really all God wants is to have our heart in His hands - Not Him in our hands. He does not fit into our hands and yet we try and try to manipulate Him into fitting our hands.

And so within the past week my heart has been pondering these two inspirations…

Sticky notes. And who God is. Which transformed into ‘’sticky grace’’.

Because, God has been showing me abundant grace as He opens my eyes to hideous hideaways in my heart. And I keep writing down promises of who God is, so my eyes will not be focused on myself but instead on the holy heart of the Father. In the process, the more grace I accept, the more grace I offer to others.

I stick these notes all over my apartment, so I can be reminded of those promises again and again. I desire them to become permanently stamped into my heart’s memory.

God is trustworthy.

God is on time.

God is attentive.

God is here.

God is providing.

I want to live a Christian life that is fixed on who GOD IS. I want my eyes fixed on the Pioneer and Perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:2.

I want to live a ''sticky grace'' kind of life.

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