10 ways I saw God’s love this week
Spotting a piece of tar in the shape of a heart in a parking lot. A pure sign of God’s love.
The smell of a wood stove on a chilly afternoon.
How fog looks mysterious yet majestic as it looms over and among the mountains.
Cracked cement. It reminds me it's okay to have a jillion cracks - it's a sign of a well travelled life.
A 50 minute long pow-wow with my brother on the phone.
Seeing snow drifting leisurely down at dusk.
A white throw blanket from value village. It reminds me of my mama’s style.
A Christmas art idea plopping into my brain. We are gonna make sheep out of yarn and cardboard and clothespins! and slap them onto a bulletin for a Christmas scene.
Laying in bed and seeing the moon through the window.
On my walk, locating a neon yellow leaf beside the road.
Where and how did you see God's love this past week? I would love to see your list:)
*writing prompt credit goes to the grace-breathing author, Anjuli Paschall . and her words: ''God is always chasing you with His love. Don't miss it.''